A friend once asked me, “How do I start investing if I don’t have much money?” That is a legitimate question, especially for students just out of college or working adults who have just entered the corporate world. To answer my friend’s question, I jogged back my memory to recall out how I first started investing. I, too, didn’t have much money when I started my investing journey . I remember all I had was the monthly allowance given to me during National Service, which I had squirrelled away diligently. With the money I had, I invested in books on personal finance and stock market investing. I remember the first book I bought was Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki. I also went for an investment course to help bring down the steep learning curve (I had no accounting or finance background from school). Essentially, what I did was to invest in myself. By investing in myself and not on a broker’s hot tip, I accumulated the knowledge needed to navigate the stock...