The lure of big money has continued to throw investors in the lap of stock markets. However, it is quite easy to understand that making money from equities is not an easy task. It requires patience, discipline, sound understanding, and lots of research of the market among others. Additionally, the volatility of the market that has been around for several years has left many investors in a state of confusion. They remain in a dilemma whether to sell, hold, or invest in such a scenario. You need to know that the main purpose of stocks is to make a fool of as many people as possible. If you are an investor, it is necessary to understand that the system of trading in stocks is always working in its favor. If you want success in stock market investing, you need to work several principles that millions of successful investors have been using for many years. Setting long-term goals Before making an investment , you need to understand your target and time limit you want to get...